Mr. Heater, Justin Bieber
We were driving to the park in our car earlier this week and Emma says out of the blue, "I like Mr. Heater." (Our little propane heater we take camping.) She pauses and then says, "He keeps us nice and warm." Pause. "He's a great guy." Emma, you make us laugh! Madalyn and Savanna, (but mostly Madalyn) really like Justin Bieber , sigh. They have a cousin that really likes him, (and many friends I am sure), and so now they really like him. A couple of months ago I was telling Nick, "I don't know why anyone likes him", so of course my children have to love him. Nick played a song for them from the Internet , and we were mock singing along to tease the girls, and Madalyn says, "I think you have Bieber Fever." Emma was singing along too, and it was pretty funny. We almost have all of our medical bills from Porter paid off. I think his total bill cost more than my house. Thank goodness for insurance though, 0r we would be ...