
What is a blog?

I totally forgot that we had a blog until I ran across a bookmark the other day. Some of the last posts that we did were of Porter and how that we are happy that he is alive and that we were able to bring him home.  …Still happy that he is alive, especially considering the daredevil in him (actually surprised he lasted this long).  Speaking of which, he asked me to build him a bike ramp yesterday, so I pulled out some tools, took some scrap wood, and fashioned up a Frankenstein-style bike ramp. Not too bad if I say so myself.  I especially like his facial expressions…fear as he is going off the ramp and accomplishment as he lands it.

Porter Clapping

Porter learned how to clap about a week ago. Here is a little video of him clapping. He was really interested in grabbing my phone too, the little stinker. He is so much fun!

Mr. Heater, Justin Bieber

We were driving to the park in our car earlier this week and Emma says out of the blue, "I like Mr. Heater." (Our little propane heater we take camping.) She pauses and then says, "He keeps us nice and warm." Pause. "He's a great guy." Emma, you make us laugh! Madalyn and Savanna, (but mostly Madalyn) really like Justin Bieber , sigh. They have a cousin that really likes him, (and many friends I am sure), and so now they really like him. A couple of months ago I was telling Nick, "I don't know why anyone likes him", so of course my children have to love him. Nick played a song for them from the Internet , and we were mock singing along to tease the girls, and Madalyn says, "I think you have Bieber Fever." Emma was singing along too, and it was pretty funny. We almost have all of our medical bills from Porter paid off. I think his total bill cost more than my house. Thank goodness for insurance though, 0r we would be ...


We had our pictures taken at the end of June by our really good friend Craig Newbry. We just got them back recently, so I thought that I would post some of our favorites. We were really happy with how they turned out. Porter's baby pictures are included in the mix.

Lemon Poppyseed Muffins

Savanna eating a lemon poppyseed muffin- Savanna: This is the worst muffin in the world! Emma: Not it isn't, it is the best muffin ever. Savanna: Then why aren't you eating it. Emma: Whycause (because) I don't like it. The lemon poppyseed muffin was Madalyn's favorite, but for some reason she calls it poppynickel. Not sure where that came from, but she has a hard time calling them poppyseed.

Love My Kids

When Emma was born, and for the first 2 1/2 years of her life, Savanna would tell me that Emma was the cutest, prettiest person in our family. She would tell me how much she loved Emma all the time. Well, the other day Savanna was thinking out loud, and said "I wonder if Porter will still be cute when he is 3, or if he will just be annoying." I laughed and asked her if she thought Emma was still cute, or if she was just annoying. She told me that she is pretty annoying, but still a little cute. (In Savanna's defense, Emma really likes to tease her sisters, so I can understand that she is probably really annoying.) Last Sunday we were in Sacrament Meeting, and during the opening prayer Emma could be heard saying "Porter, close your eyes. Porter, close your eyes. Porter, close your eyes, etc..." When the prayer was over she turned to me and said, "Mom, Porter didn't close his eyes!" Madalyn is a really great helper. She really has a talent w...

This is for you Tiffani!

These are pictures from New Year's Eve. Tiffani, I hope you are really happy. I had forgotten that we had taken the girl pictures and sibling pics. I included all the pictures from the evening.