Madalyn and Savanna started school a few weeks ago. This is a picture of them before they left to school on their first day. They were pretty excited to go.
Porter Harrison Kelly was born Saturday, April 24 th by c-section. He was 6lbs 14 0z. and 19 inches long. We named him after his brother, who we feel has been here with him, helping him fight for life. He seemed to have some trouble with his lungs so they brought him to the NICU . To make a long story short, he kept going down hill, and found himself first on a ventilator and then an oscillating ventilator. He hemorrhaged in his lungs, had to be on blood pressure meds , and had to have numerous tests done on his brain, heart, and lungs. They think that he got an infection, but will never know for sure because many of the tests were inconclusive. Thankfully he is doing much better, and should be home in a couple of days. He was one sick kid, but so cute. I didn't get to hold him for a few days, almost a week after his birth. It was heaven being able to finally hold him. Here are some pics of our little guy. Nick had to wear some pretty cool things over his clothes for the...
We are going to have another little boy. I am 20 weeks along, and found out today that our baby is a boy. We are pretty excited. Savanna and Madalyn really wanted the baby to be a boy. We let them come to the ultrasound to see the baby, and afterwards Savanna told me she was really lucky. I asked her why and she told me that she always gets what kind of baby she wants. She really wanted Emma to be a girl, and now we're having what she wants again. I told Emma that we are going to have a little baby boy, and she told me "I don't want that kind." I asked her what she wanted and she said " A baby girl!" Oh well, you can't make everyone happy. Nick and I are excited and we are all going out to eat tonight to celebrate.
Okay, so I have finally gotten around to posting pictures of my house. I have been really busy with getting the yard work done, and I am still not caught up like I would like to be. It is coming along though, and I love my house. This is the front view This is the front facing the side. Nick is closing the gate to the backyard. Notice the rainbow in the sky. This is the flower patch in the front yard. It still needs a little weeding, but it's not too bad. This is the other side of the front yard. I love the rock. This is my garden in the backyard. I should have taken a "before" picture. It was covered in weeds. Getting it weeded has taken a lot of time! This is a rainbow that was outside our home on the fourth of July. This is the living room. I didn't pick it up before I took pictures, so you get to see books, shoes and other kid stuff. This is the kitchen/dining area. Madalyn and Savanna were working on puzzles. This is Emma in our family room, and her...